Tuesday, May 30, 2006

The World is Flat

This has nothing to do with Tom Friedman's book, if still interested go on. My world is starting to get flatter. My dad recently relocated to Kenya for a short assignment and my mom will join him soon. Now we have a place in Africa to visit. How cool is that? After I heard about his acceptance, googled for info about the country and freaked out by its crime rate. I sent an email about my concerns to a friend who is from the same continent but a different country. I did not know whatI was thinking at that time. It is like asking me how is Beijing, if I lived in India. Any ways, my friend was so nice in giving me enough information to keep me calm even though she has never visited the country except for flight transition.

Now that he is there, we will get first hand information to report (just like - our correspondent from Kenya ..). While my brother is concerned more about mosquitoes and malarias, me and Vin are already planning African safaris :) I am dreaming that chotu and vin are playing with the cubs in my mom's backyard. I spoke to my dad yesterday after figuring out how to call him on his cell number that was given to me prefixed by bunch of zeros. Thanks to google for info about calling his cell with out zeros, although I might be shifting my loyalties to MSN from now on that deserves a separate post by itself.

I started this post before the long weekend, and we had our friends Souj and Raja visit us from CA for the long weekend. Guess what they got us? "The world is Flat" :) Maybe I can write about the real book later once I get a chance to read it. It was exciting to talk to them about the future. Raja travels globally on account of his job and is a licensed pilot. After getting a quick cliff's notes on 'how to get a flying license' from him, my next goal in life after my graduation in August is to take flying lessons. Learning to fly is one of my undergrad dreams.

1 comment:

M (tread softly upon) said...

gosh was wondering where you were!