Thursday, September 22, 2005

Naive naivety

While driving to gym..

Vin:Mom can you tell about naive? We talked about it today at school.

Vin: What does naive mean?

Mom: ummm some one who is just learning things and don't know about many things..

Vin: uhh oh.

Mom: After we go home we can check the meaning in the dictionary.

Vin: We all are naive.

Mom: I used to be naive but not any more.

Vin: Do you know how god makes kids?

Mom: yeah ( with confidence)

Vin: Do you know how sun was formed?

Mom: ummm ya.. (not that confident look any more)

Vin: aha see, you don't know some things

Mom: True- I don't know many things yet, but I know many things now than before.

Vin: We all are naive mom.


gvenum said...

I am with Vin in this case:)

Sagnik Nandy said...

oen of the mot profound posts i have read in recent times :)

Ratna said...

@gvenum: Then you are among us (naive club):)

@Sagnik: Thank you :))

Madhooo said...

Wow! Kids are great teachers, aren't they?