Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Why are they black?

Was Chotu’s question!

There is an Urdu University close to my parents place. We saw groups of black dresses suddenly and Chotu was surprised.

Chotu: Are those black people? Why are they dressed in black?
Me: They are Muslim ladies who are covered in “Bhurkhas”
Chotu: Oh! Why do they need “Bhurkhas”?
Me: They cannot show their face to outside people other than their family.
Chotu: Why? Because they are black!
Me: No, these women are one of the most beautiful women in the world.
Chotu: Why can’t other people see them then?
Me: That is their Custom / Religion
Chotu: What does that mean?
Me: (((I give up, uff this kid never stops))) That is their belief, that is how they need to do it.

Questions died down once we were past the “Bhurkhas”.

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