Saturday, June 10, 2006

Last Day

Today is the last day of school for Vin. The three month summer vacation starts from Monday (June 12th). He is very emotional about it and he is almost into tears that he will miss his work, friends and teacher. I thought he took on me, but looks like not in this case. I always waited for summer vacation and did not miss my school much. We went to my moms village and played with all the cousins, swam in the river, scared of the ghost stories etc., I need to work hard in the summer to keep him entertained /occupied /challenged.

Today is my last day too in this job where I served for ~ seven years. I was little emotional too (I guess Virgo's get emotional - Linda Goodmanism). I am also more excited about my new job :)


Kumari said...

Hmm...I know that feeling. I too missed school but then the thought of spending 2 month's in my native place with grandparents and cousins, playin in the mud with not many restrictions, made such sad feelings fly away.

Sadly, kids of this generation no longer have that as an option and I guess maybe that's what makes them miss their school so much. The familiarity of a home away from home :)

All the best with entertaining The Princes. Of course, you could always send them to the east coast for some fun time under the Nashua Sun :D

Ratna said...

@Kumari: I feel they miss so much of what we have enjoyed in our childhood. I'll take a rain check for Nashua trip :)

Vivek Kumar said...

Yes, we Virgos do tend to get emotional :)

But I have never been emotionally attached to places, for example. Or may be I haven't lived long enough in one.

Anyway, Good Luck for your next job!


M (tread softly upon) said...

Good luck on your new job and congrats!

Ratna said...

Thank you Vivek and M :)