Wednesday, December 07, 2005

Ban on the Ramayana

Yes, we banned Ramayana in our house after we received a concern from Chotu's school.
The concern was, he is not concentrating on the work and is always lost in his own world. While I am discussing this issue with Chotu's teacher, Chotu runs to me and asks:

chotu: Mom! Can I fly like Hanuman?

*Tada* it struck me now, why he cannot think anything else other than Ramayana characters.
He has taken it too seriously, and trying to relive it everyday. We thought it was cute to hear him say Sanskrit slokas and few telugu words in his sweet accent. Now it bothers me. I need to erase/dilute his Ramayana episodes from his neurons. His teacher said, "3 year old's brain is like a sponge it will take whatever you pour into it". I need to squeeze out Ramayana and pour some real life / practical stuff into it. I wish there was one straight manual to raise kids.


Kumari said...

Sigh. But there isn't any manual.
All the best :)

Sometimes i feel practical stuff can wait. We seem to be engulfed in it all too soon and there's no way we can get back to all that child-like innocence.

And big Hi to Chotu n Vin :)

Balaji said...

LOL. the good thing is that it is easy to distract them and turn their attention to other daughter is addicted to hanuman now and wants to watch it everyday. so we've decided to give it a break for a few days...

Ratna said...

Kumari : Cannot agree more. But, for Chotu, its become compulsive obsession. He doesn't talk anything else. And a big hi to you from all of us:)

Balaji: I saw hanuman too, it is so cute. Yeah, now we are back to barney and stuff (which is boring).

M (tread softly upon) said...

this is so funny. barney would be real tame after hanuman, right?

junat said...

in the first place itself : ramayana to a three year old ????

hey i suppose its good for a three year old to be day dreaming .

M (tread softly upon) said...

where have you disappeared?

Ratna said...

@All: Thank you for your comments.

@M: I am in India with a very very slow highspeed internet ;) Shortly I should get faster connection.

M (tread softly upon) said...

okay you're excused :))) Have a wonderful vacation.

gvenum said...

Have a very Happy New Year and an early Sankranti wishes.

M (tread softly upon) said...

when are you coming back?

Ratna said...

gvenum: Thank you. I wish you the same. Howz it going?

M:) I am back.

Vivek Kumar said...

So.. write!!!

PS: Been really busy. Yet to pick up the book :(

Ratna said...

Hello Vivek :) Be sure to pick it up at your convenience of course. No hurry. You might enjoy it.