Wednesday, October 12, 2005

Roop.. Pratiroop..

Caller1: Hello Mrs Saripalli
Moi: Can I take a message?
C1: No Thank you. Will call later.

C2: Hi Ritna
Moi: No, she is not home, can I take a message?
C2: Are you allowed to take household decisions?
Moi: No. I am the baby sitter (wat, I am baby feader, cleaner, everything)
C2: Ok, Thank you

C3:Hello Mrs S.. We are from .... and We are doing so.... this is a survey...
Moi: Sorry, no englisss
C3: Oh thank you

C4: Hi Ratka
Moi: Sorry, she is not home can I take...
C4: Hangs up on me

C5: Hi Ratna (If some one pronounce correctly)
Moi: Yes, this is she.
C5: This is a survey etc....blah....
Moi: (shoot, it is a telemarketer, huh why did I say yes, this is me) How long will this take?
C5: 10 minutes
Moi: Sorry, this is a very bad time.
C5: Hangs up cussing probably.

C6: Mrs Saripalli
Moi: Can I take a message?
C6: Yes. This is Mrs. T , Vin's teacher......
Moi: Oh, Mrs T. Sorry, I thought it was a telemarketing call.
C6: Oh is it you?.....

I worked for about a week in a friends telemarketing firm in Austin while searching for a real job. I could not take it very long. People hanging up on my face or verbally abusive tone of voices etc. It was a very depressing job. From then on I never hang up on telemarketers or be rude to them- Just politely avoid the call. Sometimes it is very inconvenient to take such calls during weekends while we are busy with kids.


M (tread softly upon) said...

this one is funny. What is funnier is I've had telemarketers call and on hearing my rather immature voice on the other end ask if my parents are home and me promptly handing over the phone to my hubby who by the way remained pissed with me for the next hour.

Sivani said...

We tend to avoid the general telemarketing calls. What we get frequently though are the banks calling, wishing to sell us this protection or that feature for an extra charge.

Our way of dealing with that is to say, the moment they reveal they are from a bank where we have an account: "Is there a problem with my account?"
After they fall all over themselves to assure me no problem and we are such great customers, I tell them, "We never make decisions or buy anything on the telephone. If you have anything that you wish to offer me, send it by mail so that I can look it over and make a decision. And just to be perfectly clear, I am NOT signing up for ANYTHING right now."

That keeps me civil, and them from pestering me :-)