Wednesday, October 26, 2005

Growing Pains - Vin's short writing - unedited

Dear everyone I know that you like to run away from other kids when you are scared. But let me tell you how to use your brain in the olden days. then we will learn how to use the part of the brain in these days. Ok is that ok with you? good beacuse we have a lot work to do. the organ inside your head controls your body and allows you to think and have feelings, just if i could play a trumpet, and a tuba and a french horn and a trombone and a cornet, even toching a flower that would be great, even toching a chinese dragon bowl would be great to . your brain makes you do stuf like actifities and lots of other stuff, like playing baseball, soccer, basketball, te-ball and that's how you use your brain in these day's actually I forgot to do how they use your brain in the olden days, but it's ok ok. now lets review what happens here in our days.


Gamesmaster G9 said...

Thanks. I've added your story to the growing collection.

Sagnik Nandy said...

and now we have the World's youngest blogger amongst us - that was some good deep stuff :)