Wednesday, November 16, 2005

Che Che Kule

Myself and Vin drove to Olympia to my sisters place for the Veterans day long weekend and had tons of fun. On our way back we stopped at a famous Photographer's (and writer) place to meet with her family. I got to see the original prints :) - some of you might have seen them on her blog. The cute girl described and portrayed in her blog is even cute in real life. She and Vin got to bake cookies which were awesome. We had to leave (all good things need to come to an end) and while driving back home , I asked Vin:
Did you know they were speaking Afrikan language?
Vin: No! I thought they were speaking Indian.
Vin: Ok, I learned this cool song from Africa, do you want to learn Mom?
Mom: Yes! (do I have a choice)
Vin: Ok, repeat each line after me.
Che che kule
Che che kule

Che che kofitsa
Che che kofitsa

Kofitsa Langa
Kofitsa Langa

Elachi Langa
Elachi Langa

Hu Amande , Hu Amande, Hu Amande Heyy!
Hu Amande , Hu Amande, Hu Amande Heyy!

Mom: Cool Kanna , where did you learn this?
Vin: Music Class, I will teach you the dance once we go home..
Che che kule... off we drove back home after a wonderful weekend.

Thursday, November 10, 2005


I gave Vin his own blog wings which means I don't get credit for his art and writings anymore :(

Tuesday, November 08, 2005

Friday, November 04, 2005

Bed Time Humor

After the "Shy little Kitten" , "Good Morning Mickey Mouse" and "Little Ducky" books Chotu has to hear the Ramayana (which we all know by now)before he goes to bed.

Mom: What does Soorpanaka ask Rama?
Chotu: Will you please marry me?

Mom: Yeah.
Chotu: Mom!

Mom: Yes kanna.
Chotu:Will you marry me?

Mom: With a smile on her face - No Kanna, I already married Nanna (dad).
Chotu: Disappointed! Mom! Will you marry me?

Mom: Chotu, I cannot marry you.
Chotu: Mom! Please Marry me.

Mom: Chotu, you are so small and I am tooo old for you..
Chotu: Pulls his two hands straight out of the blanket and stretches out and says Look mom I am big.

Mom: Could not stop laughing:)) and said Yes kanna.

(We don't take 'No' for an answer in our family)

Tuesday, November 01, 2005

Net Savings

My Savings account (not much) + my blogs worth :). Thanks to Vivek for sharing with this tool.

My blog is worth $3,387.24.
How much is your blog worth?